Workpro Chief Executive Officer (Ken Naismith) features in an SME Today News article discussing how AI is revolutionising the world of case management. There is no doubt that AI is opening up new opportunities in case handling but there are pitfalls to be aware of. Case handling in the complaints world is ultimately about people, and Ken is keen to remind companies that keeping the person at the centre of a case is pivotal.
We’ve been writing about the challenges and benefits of considerate automation for over a year but with the advance of AI this is quickly becoming a hot topic. AI is a rapidly moving feast and like many companies we want to embrace the technology in a way that is appropriate for our sector. Jumping on a bandwagon without first considering the pros and cons is just not wise! So how does an organisation make the most of the pros while avoiding the cons?
Firstly, lets define the difference between automation and AI. Artificial intelligence is able to examine massive volumes of data, find patterns, and make predictions or choices using algorithms, statistical models, and machine learning approaches.
Meanwhile, automation is based on rules and, instead of making decisions, it follows coded instructions.
Automation is great for acknowledging complaints, allocating case identifiers and letting people know they’re in the system.
AI, on the other hand, has the capacity to interpret what complainants are saying, to look for the emotional content of their language, and use that to make a decision on whether or not to escalate the issue to human contact.
The profound benefits of AI include a huge boost to the global economy. A recent PwC report suggested that AI could add $15.7 trillion by 2030 in a range of sectors such as transportation, healthcare, finance and manufacturing.
AI proponents promise so many new possibilities – from virtual doctors where there are shortages, to AI testing beer for better brewing! However, this is counterbalanced with the fear that AI automation could lead to job losses or even an exaggerated vision that AI robots could take over the world.
In a more realistic scenario in the markets Workpro serves, AI can be used to quickly identify if a complainant is vulnerable for example, flagging any issues to a human case worker for more appropriate handling of their case.
Nevertheless, if a complaint handler or caseworker is completely replaced with AI, there is a risk that interactions could be impersonal and leave customers feeling like their case is not being handled with compassion and empathy.
There also need to be safeguards to ensure fairness is built in – a key principle of good complaints handling. AI could help to remove potential human prejudice from case handling, but it could also replicate biases if not set up correctly. As the World Economic Forum points out “A lot of existing human bias can be transferred to machines because technologies are not neutral; they are only as good, or bad, as the people who develop them.”
What we have to work out now is the balance of effectiveness – how can we effectively use AI to help customers, and their customers, without dehumanising connections with people in their time of need?
As we’ve discussed above, AI genuinely represents an opportunity to do things better and to enhance the service that customers receive. However, we must take care to avoid the potential downsides.
To help you weigh up the pros and cons (and highlight some of the ethical considerations) we’ve pulled out some of the most important points to consider:
Having considered the pros and cons, let’s take a look at some real-life use cases of AI in complaints management. These short-term applications are already being implemented in some places and might give you some ideas of how AI could enhance your processes:
Workpro is in constant development in line with advancements in technology. Naturally, AI is a key focus for us currently and we’re ensuring we’ll take advantage of it without getting carried away with it. If you would like to know more, please contact us at